Native to the rocky crags of northern Demacia are the rare, ferocious Raptors.The sisters Katarina and Cassiopeia are a part of the Du Couteau family one of the most prestigious noble houses in Noxus.Warmasons are tasked by Noxus not only to plot and plan infrastructure, but also to scout out enemy territory for future invasions.Drakehounds, a distant relative of dragons, are kept by some rich, and perhaps foolish, Noxians as pets.Basilisks of the Kumungu are sometimes raised from eggs as Noxian war beasts.The vastaya are chimeric beings who owe their heritage to a union of humans and an ancient, long extinct race.To stave off a great danger beneath the ocean, the Marai illuminate the depths with a moonstone.Mordekaiser's mace is named "Nightfall.".Before the Ruination, the Shadow Isles were known as the Blessed Isles.Because of their glamour, the true form of a yordle is difficult for normal humans to perceive.It is said the passage of time is different in Bandle City, giving yordles a timeless nature.Trundle's True Ice club is named "Boneshiver.".Before becoming an Ice Witch, Lissandra was permanently blinded by an Ursine's claws.Artifacts of True Ice hold incredible power, but only the Iceborn can wield them.Many frost trolls have rallied behind the self proclaimed "Troll King," Trundle.When Zaun's plans to create a waterway between east and west Valoran went awry, Janna prevented thousands of deaths and is now revered by many as a goddess.Fiora serves as the head of House Laurent in Demacia, a position she claimed upon killing her father in a duel.Garen and Lux are siblings of the Crownguard family, who traditionally serve as the royal protectors.Sometimes known as silver steel or rune steel, Demacian steel is coveted for its durability, light weight and its unique interactions with magic.Using lime, ash and the fossilized bark of ancient trees, Demacians create petricite magic absorbing stone with which they built their walls.Legends speak of a realm beyond Mount Targon's peak, inhabited by great celestial beings known as the Aspects.Miss Fortune's guns were crafted by her mother for a young Gangplank, who turned the guns on their creator.

Much of Bilgewater's export comes from the valuable goods harvested from the carcasses of sea monsters gutted at the Slaughter Docks.The man who preceded Shen as "Eye of Twilight" was his father, Kusho.The God-Willow was an ancient tree found in Ionia, before being felled by Ivern the Cruel.Many Voidborn have names originating from the ancient Shuriman language.Sai Kahleek is one of Shurima's most feared deserts, as it is populated by the ravenous Xer'Sai.The Brackern, a race of enormous, crystal-bodied scorpions, slumber in the sands beneath a hidden valley in Shurima.